Cloudpress gives you multiple ways to export content, depending on whether you use Google Docs or Notion, as well as some automation options.

Using the Export Content page

The Export Content page allows you to bulk export documents from either Google Docs or Notion to any of your connected Content Management Systems. For more information, please review our documentation on using the Export Content page.

The Export Content page

Using the Google Workspace Add-On

The Cloudpress Google Workspace Add-on allows you to export content from the Google Docs editor, which makes it very convenient to export content quickly without the need to switch to a different application. Please review our documentation on Exporting Google Docs with the Google Workspace Add-on for more information.

The Cloudpress Google Docs Add-on

Using the Cloudpress API

The Cloudpress API allows you to export content via our API.

Using the Make integration

The Cloudpress Make integration allows you to set up automated workflows with Make. Please review the following blog posts for detailed walkthroughs of using the Make integration.